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Fundamentals of Engineering ‒ Transfers

Students transferring into The Ohio State University from other schools often have background on some of the material covered in the first-year Fundamentals of Engineering course sequence. The FE ‒ Transfers sequence is designed to only cover topics that have not been previously taken. This helps prevent repetition and provides information that students can quickly integrate into their major studies.

FE ‒ Transfers Course Sequence

Engineering 1186.01 ‒ Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfers (CAD)

Engineering 1186 is designed for transfer students who are missing the 3D visualization, technical graphics, and CAD component in their transfer credits. These students have typically received transfer credit for ENGR 1188 and/or 1187.

Prerequisite: Not open to students with credit for ENGR 186.

Engineering 1187 ‒ Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfers (MATLAB)

Engineering 1187 is designed for transfer students who are missing the MATLAB programming component in their transfer credits. These students have typically received transfer credit for ENGR 1186 and/or 1188.
Prerequisite or Concurrent: Math 1150 or above.
Not open to students with credit for ENGR 1221 or ENGR 187.

Engineering 1188 ‒ Fundamentals of Engineering for Transfers (Problem Solving and Design)

Engineering 1188 is designed for transfer students who are missing the hands-on lab component in their transfer credits. These students have typically received transfer credit for ENGR 1186 and/or 1187.

The course is structured around a semester-long design-build project. The object of the project is to design and build a working scale model of a Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV) that conforms to specific constraints. The challenge is to build a functional vehicle which can meet operational requirements at the end of each semester.
Prerequisite: ENGR 1186 and 1187, or 1187 and 1121. Concurrent: Math 1151 or above, or equivalent.
Not open to students with credit for ENGR 185.